Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Positives regarding unemployment

My husband lost his job last week.  I have been incredibly stressed out over it, but there are some positives about it.  I get to leave the kids at home with him, so I can go out and explore and take photos.  Here are some of the photos that I took at Three Creeks Metro Park.  All photos can be purchased.  If one catches your eye just contact me for prices.

I didn't even know this little guy was there until after I got home.  

Early bird catches the worm.

I just love the texture of this tree!  

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hot air balloon

We got to go to the Middletown Hot air balloon Festival.  Here are a few pictures of it.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I had a chance to do maternity photos for a wonderful young lady.  You may recognize her because I also had the chance to do her senior pictures a few years ago.

She had a senior picture taken at this same tree.

A lot of you may know that I usually bring my son with me to my shoots.  He is developing quite the eye, but he also provides the comic relief.  He has made so many of my clients become more relaxed by him being there.  Sometimes, there are some hilarious out takes.  This is one of them.

To book your maternity session call 614.859.0831!

International Mud Day

Yes, it really is a thing!  We celebrated in style!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Fun with Cousins

Kids are funny when they learn from each other.  Take these two cousins for example.
He eats leaf.
She seems him eat the leaf.  
She then eats the leaf.  

To keep up to date on my work follow me on Facebook.

Artsy Stuff.

It has been a while since I have done a post.  To be honest, I haven't done much in the way of photo shoots lately due to health reasons.  However, I have done a lot of more artistic photos.  So here they are.  All of these photos can be purchased at my etsy shop here.

Spring time cherry blossoms from downtown Columbus, Ohio

A photo of some Chihuly blown glass.

A birch tree in both color and black and white.  

This is Steveson in British Columbia.  
This is a photo of an island off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia.