Sunday, May 15, 2016

Fun with Cousins

Kids are funny when they learn from each other.  Take these two cousins for example.
He eats leaf.
She seems him eat the leaf.  
She then eats the leaf.  

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Artsy Stuff.

It has been a while since I have done a post.  To be honest, I haven't done much in the way of photo shoots lately due to health reasons.  However, I have done a lot of more artistic photos.  So here they are.  All of these photos can be purchased at my etsy shop here.

Spring time cherry blossoms from downtown Columbus, Ohio

A photo of some Chihuly blown glass.

A birch tree in both color and black and white.  

This is Steveson in British Columbia.  
This is a photo of an island off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia.